Friday, October 14, 2011

Holton Rower Paint Pour art!

I am SO excited to post about this that I am not even waiting until they are dry.

Today, I had 15 kids away for cross country. I still had 18 kids there, but it was great because I was able to do an art activity that I normally wouldn't take on.

Inspired by Holton Rower, we did our own mini paint pour art projects!
I've seen re-do's of this project floating around the internet, but much of what I did was based on the supplies that I had available to me at the time.

A few weeks ago, my husband brought home 20 identical circles of drywall that he cut out of a ceiling when he was installing pot lights. These became the base for our Holton Rower projects. On top of the circle, I glued a styrofoam cube that I cut out from a large sheet of styrofoam.

We talked about colors representing emotions - what colors could you use to represent certain emotions. We talked about what red, purple, yellow would represent, etc. Then, we broke out about 40 colors of acrylic paint (50 cents a bottle!) and started POURING!

The results were just incredible.

In about a week, once they are totally dry, we will take them off of the pie plates (not sure what will happen to the paint around it - will it harden?) Maybe we can slice it off with an exacto knife.

These were done with grade 5/6 students, in about an hour.

I'm soooooooooooo excited about these!!


  1. I've seen the video for this on Youtube. I think as Art teachers we think "it's so cool but uses SOOOO much paint" lol How did these turn out? How long did they take to dry?

  2. Did they crack when they dried? I tried it last year and they all cracked! :( I was planning on getting house paint sample sized cans to do it this year, thinking it would be more pliable and not crack~but acrylics are MUCH cheaper!

  3. I did this with my art class and I used what was called a "pour medium". I found it in the fine art section of Michaels. It stops the crazing, which is the cracking that was mentioned in an earlier comment. You only need a small amount added to the paint and the consistency makes the paint more runny and makes for smoother pouring. If you are doing a kids project my suggestion is to use glaze instead which is found in the non-fine art paint section of Michaels. It does the same thing and it is not as expensive.

    I used both in my art class and all of them turned out beautiful.

  4. Can you use that pour medium or glaze with tempera paint to keep it from cracking?
