Monday, August 12, 2013

A LONG break comes to an end!

It's been so long since I've updated! I've been having a busy, fun summer and just have not taken the time to log on. Here are some updates:

  • Summer camp was a huge success. I did 4 straight weeks, and it was great. I will definitely do it again! I still have a few projects that I didn't get around to sharing - pictures to come soon!
  • On the house front, we are in the middle of a pretty big renovation - we've added a door where the spare bedroom meets the garage, and we'll soon be adding a wall to make a laundry room/separate entrance. Pictures to come soon as well!
  • Our school year starts in 3 weeks. I am pretty excited, but overwhelmed with all that I need to get done before then! It's daunting to plan for a new grade (in a new division) but I am definitely up for the task.
Updates on art/house/everything with pictures to come soon!

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