Thursday, November 15, 2012

Long time...

Alright, it has officially been WAY too long since my last update! We are currently in crazy packing mode - we get the keys to our new place tomorrow, but the same day, we leave for a weekend trip to Boston (we signed up for a race in Boston back in the Summer - wouldn't have done this had we known we'd be moving that weekend!) Anyway, hopefully as we settle in, I will get back to more regular updates! 

This is a project I did in mid October with my grade 5/6 class. I would do a tutorial, but I can't possibly explain it any better than it has already been done over at Smart Class. I used this as a guide when teaching the lesson, and it went SO well! We took it really slow, working in light pencil first before taking to it with Sharpie. 

Once they were finished, we used the watercolor marker technique to color them in. This is something I've come across a few times here and there online, and it was really the perfect technique - students color the exterior of a shape using a Crayola marker, then take a wet paintbrush to "paint" the marker into the remainder of the shape. It produces such an amazing effect!

I really love this project, and am hoping for some more perspective lessons. Anyone have any good tried and true perspective projects for me to try?