Friday, November 23, 2012

Wobbly word art - grade 5/6

Oh these are cute! I've seen these wobbly word projects all over pinterest, but wasn't that interested in them until this one turned up on my friends list last week. I loved it, but made a few changes to work with  my students "style". I know from experience that they LOVE filling in shapes with doodles, so I made sure that I added that element to the project.

I made these projects totally self indulgent - they just got to choose words that represented things that they love, or things that defined them. They started off making a bank of words that they could use, an then chose the words as they fit into the spaces. Below is my example that I showed them (can you tell I love Boston!?) and their work follows. Amazing!

What do you guys think of the doodles - great addition or distracting?

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