Thursday, September 26, 2013

Grade six unity/collaborative candy

 This is the third collaborative art project that I have done with a class. The first time, I did collaborative crayons with my grade 5/6class. Next, I tried collaborative snakes with grades 4/5. I was so excited to try another one with my grade 6 art class. This time, however, instead I decided that we would study...candy! I made templates for lollipops and candy corn (templates are ESSENTIAL for collaborative art – the drawings must be the same size to maintain the look of unity.)

We used the same process as in the projects before. It took my students roughly two 50 minute periods to finish these. They look incredible running down the hallway!

In case you were curious about the display board - for my first project of the year, my class did the optical illusion collages I posted a couple of weeks back. They were the perfect project to start the year!

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